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Forum > When does the effect of Filitra 40 Mg wear off?
When does the effect of Filitra 40 Mg wear off?
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114 posts
Mar 27, 2024
10:17 PM
The duration of action of Filitra 40 mg, which contains the active ingredient vardenafil, can vary from person to person based on factors such as metabolism, overall health, and other medications being taken. Generally, the effects of Filitra 40 mg can last for up to four to five hours after ingestion.

After this time, the concentration of Filitra 40mg in the body gradually decreases as it is metabolized and eliminated. By around five hours after taking the medication, the effects typically start to wear off, and the medication is mostly cleared from the body.

It's important to note that while the peak effects of Filitra are typically experienced within 30 to 120 minutes after ingestion, individual responses can vary. Factors such as the presence of food in the stomach and the individual's metabolic rate can influence how quickly the medication takes effect and how long it remains active.

As with any medication, it's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and timing instructions provided by your healthcare provider. If you have any concerns about the duration of action of Filitra 40 mg or how long its effects last for you personally, it's best to discuss them with your healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health status and needs.

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